I found a video and will link it down below. It was made by Tokuyuu on Youtube. I’ll break down the basics of how I do it here.
First Find a kanji that you are working on. For Example: 光-ひかり
I first write down all the readings for it. Kun Yomi (Japanese Reading) and On Yomi (Chinese Reading). Then I start with the method.
On a folded piece of paper, write out all the combinations of the word in Hiragana.
Then practice writing down each of those kanji until you know them. (People say 21 times for long term memory). Once you are done with that we move on to the next portion.
Quiz Time!
Try to write out the correct Kanji next to each reading. If you cannot do it, back to writing. If you did them all, move on to another Kanji but make sure to review them over the next few days. You can do as many Kanji as you want but, remember they start to add up with reviewing them.
Once you feel really good about those. No more need for review.
I write the Kanji under the flap for quick checking.
Try to have fun even though it’s rough!